Our Impact



Thanks to the success of our second funding round and our 136 members, we were in a position to give a total of £150,000 to three charities this year.

We are already working on our next funding round and you can join us for 2022 here!



“We are so incredibly honoured and actually a little bit emotional.  Thank you so much to Impact 100 London, to all the members.  We just really really appreciate that you have understood the value and importance of this intervention that we are making with women who really deserve a second chance and we are going to be able to help so many more women across a wider geographical area”

                                                                                Natasha Finlayson OBE,
Chief Executive, Working Chance
June 2021




VISION: A society in which no woman is held back by a conviction, and where she has the support, encouragement and opportunities she needs to reset her life and thrive.

MISSION: Working Chance provides women with convictions with the skills and support they need to develop their employability, and to help them to build lives that give them purpose, hope and financial independence. It also works to create better informed and more empathetic attitudes about women with convictions and to raise awareness about the issues that often underlie women’s offending.

Find out more about Working Chance, here.


MERIT AWARD: £25,000


MISSION: To stop domestic abuse before it starts: preventing young people from becoming victims or perpetrators and empowering them to build relationships based on equality and respect.

Find out more about Tender Arts and Eduction here


MERIT AWARD: £25,000

MISSION: Women@thewell is committed to working towards the full abolition of the sex trade. Grounded in Catholic Social Teaching, we seek to ensure that all women entrapped in the sex trade are given hope and are supported to see that an alternative future is possible. Through our evidence-based exemplar model we provide women with comprehensive support to exit prostitution.

VISION: Women@thewell envisions a society in which all women are empowered to achieve their full potential free from discrimination, abuse and neglect.

Find out more about Women at the Well, here.