Our Mission


Our Vision & Mission

VISION An engaged community of donors contributing to a world where women and girls are safe, confident and independent.

MISSION To enhance philanthropic engagement by pooling resources and investing collectively in charities benefitting marginalised women and girls in London


Our Model

based on a successful model developed in the USA

Each year, we recruit members who donate at least £1,000 to the Grant Fund. We then make transformative grants to charities working primarily to benefit women and girls in Greater London.

our model + notes.png

We understand that £1,000 is a ‘stop and think’ gift. That is by design. The goal is for members to feel fully invested in and connected to their giving, and the transformational grants that result from it.

Registered charities falling within our mandate are invited to submit a grant proposal. After a rigorous selection process, the finalists make a presentation - with Impact 100 London mentorship - to the full membership who vote to award the grants. The winner receives a grant of at least £100,000 (distributed over 3 years) and the other finalists are awarded merit grants. 

100% for the charity

This is a 100% volunteer organisation. 100% of members’ £1,000 donation to the grant fund goes directly to grant recipients.


What is Collective Philanthropy?

It is a collaborative and democratic form of charitable giving, providing a structured platform for individuals who want to pool their money and award transformative grants to charities. Collective philanthropies lead to informed, strategic giving and promote civic and community engagement.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Theory of Change


We have recently undertaken to develop our Theory of Change. A tool that describes the change we want to make in the philanthropic sector and the steps involved in making that change happen.

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Focus on Women and Girls

Our focus on the women and girls sector has coincided with an increased need for resources

While women’s and girls’ charities account for approximately 3.5% of all registered charities, they only receive approximately 2.2% of total UK charity income (see: Rosa, ‘Mapping the UK Women and Girls Sector and its Funding: Where Does the Money Go?’ Report 2023).

Given our current post-pandemic environment - resulting in isolation and loss of jobs, housing and safety nets - the need for our Grantees’ services is greater than ever before.

Our grants have been awarded to charities that address a broad range of complex issues, needs and under-served populations: